Sunday, 22 January 2012


Over the Christmas holidays I was lucky enough to have been given the opportunity to work behind the Chanel Counter in my local Boots, of course, adoring their make up I had to accept the offer and within the next week I had been given my uniform and was spraying every person with the oh so famous 'Coco Mademoiselle'. My last job was horrendous so to find out I was going to be working with something I really enjoyed - make up and fragrance was like a breath of fresh air and I couldn't wait to begin.

There will be plenty of you who would LOVE to work as a 'Beauty Counter' girl, and trust me if I was able to go back to any counter, make it YSL, Clarins, Benefit or back to Chanel I would thrive the opportunity, however I must warn you it is not as glamorous as it all seems.. This occurred to me from the word go where i was told in these exact words "Cake your make up on in the morning because you will have no time to sort it throughout the day unless you're on your lunch break". Of course that didn't completely happen as we would once and a while use the testers just to top up any fading bit of blusher or bronzer. But in addition to that there was always this feeling of competitiveness between the counters and we all know how bitchy girls can get when they're fighting other girls to look the best...

It was an exciting experience I must say and it's taught me many different skills when it comes to dealing with moody customers who cant accept the fact the shade of lipstick they want just isn't in stock..

I was also VERY lucky to be given a load of leaving presents on my departure, I was given 4 Chanel box's and these have gone into use very well! I was also given a bunch of 'Sublime de Chanel' Chanel's newest mascara as well as a large 'sample' of their Matt Lumière which was unfortunately discontinued (:() but this means I will definitely HAVE to try their new perfection Lumière! It is on the top of my 'must have' list.

So the life of a 'Beauty Counter' girl, is it all glitz and glam?

Sophie x


  1. Perfection lumiere is at the very top of my wish list, I can't excape it, it's on every blog I read lol! It just makes me want it more! I hope it's amazing ;) Well jel of all your Chanel goodies!

  2. I've heard mixed reviews but I'd love to try it for myself! Once I get some money I'll definitely be getting a bottle of it because the matt Lumière was beautiful! and i was telling all my customers it's much better than matt Lumière (was told that by my manager) so will probably do a post on it when it's been bought :) xx
