Sunday 22 January 2012


After spending most of my nights for the past few months or so making my way through nearly every beauty/fashion/lifestyle blog out there I decided that I might as well jump on the bandwagon and give this 'blogging' thing a try..
First things first, I'm Sophie I'm 17yrs old and studying for my A2's, October 2012 I'm hoping to go to Loughborough Uni to study Geography, and seeing as that's not the girliest subject in the world I thought this would be the best way to talk about all things girlie related.

So here is my 'girlie related' blog where I will be posting lots of reviews of products, new purchases and general life of a girl from London! Welcome to my blog!

Sophie x


  1. Really cute! I can't wait to see more posts. Welcome to the blog world. :)

    1. Thanks sweetie! just trying to get used to it at the moment but should be posting more soon!

  2. im just starting out, would be great if you could maybe follow me and help me get started xx
